Axis of Evil
While driving in to work today, I saw a billboard that seemed to sum up talk radio. There was a picture of Saddam, Kim Jong-Il, and Osama. The caption stated: Now, more than ever - Reasons to listen to 640-AM. What does that mean? I mean, I know they do that for FM stations when they show artists that are played on the station. So, does that mean Osama does the Drive-at-Five show with Krazy Kim and his funny sounds? I sure hope so, b/c I figure those two have some pretty witty banter. I don't know who would listen, but all I have to say is that "I'm on to you, Al-Qaeda!"
Also, there's a anti-panhandling law in effect for downtown Atlanta. I wonder if you could citizen's arrest somebody for that?
Take THAT, you mooching clown!
Why don't you pan handle and see if you get arrested, then you'll have your answer.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:06 AM
My kingdom for a Steve Perry update! My kingdom I say!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:18 AM