Guest host
Well, seems nary a month has passed, and the masses are already clamoring about the posts lacking humor and instead being a whine-fest. Fine. A writer should know when his audience bores and wants fresh material. When the coach gives you the heave-ho for the young buck, you just grin and bear it. You want a newer, hipper, blonder host? To quote Frank Constanza...YOU GOT IT!!! Introducing the Ryan Seacrest to my Larry King..... (I know, I couldn't believe it when I saw it on CNN)
Hailing all the way from the Orange State....Misterrrrrr..... Harrrrrrison!!!!
The city of Tokyo, Japan, as many may know, is the site of the greatest fighting upset of all time. No... I am not talking about James "Buster" Douglas knocking out Mike Tyson and turning him into the absurd lunatic that we all know and love today. I am talking, of course, about King Kong's victory over Godzilla in "King Kong vs. Godzilla" in 1962. The miracle on ice, Red Sox-Yankees, The Battle of Thermopylae, all of these upsets pale in comparison to the absolute and total bull shit that was King Kong's success against the superior giant lizard from the sea. Yes, that's right, King Kong is an outright nancy boy compared to Godzilla. Due only to a US production team and the never-before seen fact that lightning hurts Godzilla and makes King Kong uber-powerful, Kong pulled it out. But really.. can anyone take this seriously? Lets face facts people. Godzilla is the most formidable killing machine ever. His body is made from nuclear cells that regenerate almost instantly. Even if you cut him, he heals faster than two shakes of a lamb's tale, and then boy is he pissed. Did I mention that he shoots nuclear fire from his mouth? Oh I didn't... well he does. He is undaunted as he smashes building after building to rubble and stomps on unwitting tiny Japanese women who can do nothing more than point and shout his name. All the while you can tell by the gleam in their eye that they want to take him as their lover. And yes, Godzilla is a humanitarian. He emerges from the sea only when needed to quell a bigger threat to the citizens of Tokyo. Does anyone here honestly think King Kong would have bothered with fighting, let alone defeated, the likes of Biolante, Mothra, The Cosmic Monster, MECHAGODZILLA? That's right, a freaking robot version of Godzilla. And yet, Godzilla dispatches of these foes more quickly than Michael Moore at the Shoney's breakfast buffet. What does King Kong do? He gets CAPTURED by humans, escapes only to fall in love with a woman 1/4000th his size who will surely break his heart, and is killed by World War I era bi-planes. How? You ask? Because he is so freaking stupid he thinks the best method to flee is to climb the tallest building in town. Godzilla has been pummeled by missiles from MIG jets and F-14s numerous times, only to roar, shoot nuclear fire at them, and continue about his business. So why do I care about this, why now? Because there is a new King Kong movie, of course. I haven't even seen a preview, but I am sure of this, it sucks. I would rather watch a movie about Scott Baio than King Kong. Why? Because I have more respect for Scott Baio. Some chick invited me to see King Kong. I told her sorry toots, I think I'll save the 10 bucks, order a pizza and hang out on the couch, besides Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah is coming on.. Oh and Tim, Godzilla would kick Superman's ass. Just so you know..
I liked your other posts. They are funny. Apparently the other whiners do not have a sense of humor.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:00 AM
Commenting on my own blog? How pathetic, eh? Anyways, since this was Eric's article, I'll respond. I'll just say that Superman would whoop the donkey-piss out of Godzilla. It's called "turning back time". To when Godzilla's a little nugget, and then *squish*. Game over. But then, one ponders, why didn't Superman kill Hitler that way? Is it because Superman has some ulterior Aryan views? hmmmm
Posted by
Victor |
12:15 PM
Superman would dominate. Victor is right to play the Superman trump card, time travel. However I prefer this scenario, Superman flies forward around the world forward until godzilla is dead. Even better, he lifts godzilla takes him to the drive in, makes him watch Kong, and godzilla kills himself.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:40 PM
Interesting point. My next question would be if Supes would try the ole "yawn, stretch, arm on shoulder" move on Godzilla. I tell you what, that'd be some crazy necking.
Posted by
Victor |
3:21 PM
I've got one name for all of you Superman fans: GENE FUCKING HACKMAN! That's right bitches. You never saw Godzilla nearly get foiled by Hackman. How in the hell could anyone expect Superman to stand a chance? That is, of course, assuming that Superman didn't go all soft and sacrifice his powers to marry Lois Lane. Godzilla would simply find a Lois look-a-like, let Superman get all hot and bothered, then whack his pussy ass all the way back to Krypton. Superman beats Godzilla? Not a fucking chance.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:03 PM
Superman? Godzilla? Who really gives a fuck. What is more important is how the writing and humour of the new writer compares to the old standard. My personal opinion: Victor - old and busted, Eric - the new hotness. Much like the passing of the torch of the daily show to Jon Stewart, I predict a glorious new day for shennanigoats. Step down gracefully Vic, or being forcefully expelled.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:05 PM
Thanks. I will take that suggestion to heart. Hmmmm. My response? What I say to dirty hippies when they whine about the US. Love it or leave it. Of course, methinks this is more chicanery of the always helpful Cliff. If not, then anonymous can go kiss Eric's ass some more at Otherwise, feel free to stop reading the 'goats at any time. My, that scotch sure angers up the blood.
Posted by
Victor |
1:17 AM
I am surprised you didnt figure out the obvious Victor, that I wrote that myself. But I didn't, I swear...
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:48 AM
Just wanted to let all you douches know that Blackzilla would dominate both of this big foreign monkeys with his building sized spliffs and his "large black snake." Eat it.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:09 PM