The big comedown
Much love and kudos to all who offered their prayers and well-wishes in my support. As for those haters, well, you're probably right. But, on to the fun stuff. Now, with the bar over with, my sights shall turn towards my next goal. As I sat near I-20 in rush-hour traffic with pouring rain, I was so happy that I left my flask in the car. While taking a little sip of very old scotch, I pondered my next endeavor. As you all know, all great minds stroke their chins as they think. Well, that is how my next idea arrived. Stroking my hairless chin got me thinking, I needs me a goatee! Now I know I've tried this many times as part of my "I won't cut my hair or shave for as long as possible so I'm even more repulsive to girls" campaign. I've also tried and failed Jason Britt's Asian Mullet Challenge. Then, of course, I recalled the many times I've heard, "Get a haircut and shave. You look like an asshole." Thus, I have readily abandoned that goal. Fear not, though, as I will indeed think of something random to accomplish. Perhaps like learning how to cook. Or how to drive a bus. Suggestions are welcome.
As for the facial hair challenges, I vote for the handle bar mustache. But, if you are abadoning any facial hair challenges, here are some suggestions for your next endeavor:
1. travel to finland and make fun of those dirty finish people
2. diversify your bonds
3. become an evil overlord
4. give Chuck Norris a roundhouse kick to the face
5. Sit through an entire episode of Becker
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:45 PM
Immerse yourself in your ancestry and learn how to use chopsticks.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:34 PM
One word, "POONTANG."
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:23 PM