Everyone and their momma has dreams. They often are supposed to represent our subconscious. So, I've been kind of confused by my recent dreams. Normally, I can kind of interpret them and understand where they come from. But in the past two weeks, my dreams have resembled those of a 10 year old. I have fought aliens, Al-Qaeda, and tiny plastic soldiers who had grown intelligent on their own. Now, if I had watched the movies with those themes recently, I might understand. What's even weirder is that in the dreams, I can remember thinking "hey, this is like Independence Day! They aren't here for peace!!!" It's confusing, but at least refreshing and entertaining. The other weird dreams are the lucid ones where something mundane happens and you think it was real. In one dream, I was making a crazy-good breakfast of eggs, bacon and the works. There was enough for leftovers. When I woke up, I was confused as I couldn't remember if I actually had leftovers waiting. As I stumbled towards the fridge, I realized all I had in there was a couple of oranges, High Life, tonic water, and an old pizza. Mislead by a delicious dream. What a living. The other crazy dream I had was that I befriended a kitten, and we had good times. That was it. I threw a ball around and I cleaned its litter box. It was a big kitten so I assume it was maybe a baby lion. What's my point? Often they say dreams represent your hidden psyche. Well, normally when there were cheerleaders involved, I can understand that desire as it's pretty obvious =) But, being in cheesy-movie plots, eating a hearty breakfast, and having a pet? Y'all armchair analyzers should have a field day with that.

I think that all of this confusion can be put to rest with seven simple words: Acid is a hell of a drug.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:42 PM
Don't FIGHT it, EAT more PUSSY! Take that Dr. Freud!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:53 PM
I agree with Mr. McCheatalot's analysis, particularly if you do so on acid. And by the way.. who won the McDonaldland election? After all the publicity of the Mayor McCheese swift boat incident from the war against the war-mongoring communist Wendy's and their iron fisted ruler, Dave Thomas (what? too soon), I thought that he didn't have a chance. You cannot tease us with such things and then rather than update it, tell us about good times with kittens in your dreams. Not a good show, not at all.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:19 AM
Dear Observant Reader,
Updates on the Mayoral Election of 2006 will be forthcoming. As you should know, the elections shant be held till November. Silly reader, everybody knows that the campaign trail doesn't heat up till closer to summer. I will say though, rumors of a sexy tryst with Birdie the the Early Bird may rock the reelection efforts of McCheese. Stay tuned. (And please, do these words even SOUND like somebody who would know what an acid trip is like?)
Posted by
Victor |
5:26 PM
I have discovered dark forces at work. Forces which explain your inability to find a woman. Some Asian guy has stolen your identity and is using your good name and reputation to get hot women. Apparantly, no one has caught on because: 1)He is also Asian; 2) he is also a nerd.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:29 PM
You are not studying enough if you are having dreams that do not involve showing up at the bar exam unprepared or naked.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:30 PM