Feel free to sing along. Lord knows I've sang and cried along with it more than enough in these past few days. That and Hilary Duff. But that's for another post. It's game time, baby.
Posted by Victor on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 at 6:00 AM |Permalink
Step on its neck, pee on it, and then give it an emphatic booooooyaahhhhhhhhhhh (hit the button), in your monkey face, bar exam. And, in the immortal words of one adultery_mccheatalot, "Don't fuck up".
I am me. My mind creates many thoughts that shouldn't be viewed in public...
Random quote of the day (or week, if I'm lazy)
“Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you are a racist, I will attack you with the North" and those are some of the principles that I live with today." - Michael Scott
Dont fuck up.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:22 AM
good luck baby
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:39 AM
Step on its neck, pee on it, and then give it an emphatic booooooyaahhhhhhhhhhh (hit the button), in your monkey face, bar exam. And, in the immortal words of one adultery_mccheatalot, "Don't fuck up".
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:04 PM