In memoriam
Despite the pall that has fallen over this supposed bastion of inane humor, I will try to keep the mood here entertaining. If you're looking for me waxing nostalgic, dissertations on my philosophy, elegiac prose and stream of consciousness thoughts, try my blog at But, this blog is for the happy yin to my constantly depressed yang.
So, I figure I will post a couple of funny anecdotes that me and Dibya shared in the past. Back in senior year of high school, me and Dibs both worked at Fazoli's in Huntsville. For those in the dark, Fazoli's was an Italian restaurant in the vein of a Boston Market or Kenny Roger's Roasters. We were the new grunts, so we often were given the shit jobs. One of the most memorable was to be the manual trash compactors. We were given wader pants (plastic overalls that people use to go in water and such) and told to "compact" the garbage bin. This essentially was me and Dibs stomping in the trash bin. Glamorous as this may sound, we found that being on garbage-stomping duty was a fine waste of time as managers rarely came out to check the progress. We came up with the great game of Breadstickball, which consisted of us heaving old breadsticks at each other's heads. The winner? Us, as they were paying us $5.75 an hour for us to throw moldy breadsticks at each other.
The other story I remember from our tour of duty at Fazoli's was that we had to do food prep. For the chicken fettucine, we had to roast and cut the chicken strips. So, one day, I walked into the freezer to grab some more pasta, and Dibs is in there "cutting" the chicken. By cutting, he was making 5 strips and eating 3. As I exclaimed, "Dude, are you eating the chicken?", his chicken-garbled response was "Man, I was hungry and there's free chicken!" I later cursed him for being smarter than I in realizing that by prepping the chicken in the freezer, he was in a veritable free-chicken haven.
As a post-script, thank you to all who have called or emailed me with words of comfort. Thanks all, as your words mean the world to me.
Fazoli's is okay.. but what is far better AND has chicken as the one and only menu item? Guthries. I just got myself a gut box from the new Jacksonville location. As such, I must wrap this up b/c I am about to pass out.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:33 PM
You mean to tell me that there are so many myspace users with the handle vhkang that you had to add the numbers 927 after your name? Sorry for the inane comment but I distracted you for at least a couple of seconds right? I know Dibya would be happy to know you are memoralizing him with such fond memories.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:29 PM
In the spirit of funny anecdotes, I think all of you should know about Dibo's obsession with burning movies. Those of us in Houston already know, as we've each driven him to Blockbuster; sometimes, three times in the same day. It got bad enough that we felt the need to intervene, at which point he could only tell us, "Do you think I want to do this?" He also worried that the store employees would catch on to him, and so each night when we left Blockbuster he would have to deliver some parting quip about how he was going to actually watch the movie and not just copy it.
Posted by
Praz |
12:37 PM