Dancing Time

Alright boys and girls, I'm sure all of y'all are in at least 13 brackets for your office pools and whatnot. Anyways, I figure it'd be fun to have a FREE bracket just for my loyal readers. All it takes to join is to have a yahoo account. Easy enough. For those that don't understand computers, you can go to fantasysports.yahoo.com and then look for the sign-up for the NCAA tournament. Create your pick list and then join an existing group, then join a private group. The info you need is below:

League ID: 81862
Password: victor

If you join, just post something in the message board in the league saying who you are. I figure the next time we all get together, wherever and whenever that day will be, we can buy the winner a beer. Or punch them in the face. Either way, join up even if you don't know the difference between the NCAA and the NAACP (hint - ummm, well...I'm not gonna touch that). Remember, the games start this Thursday, so get cracking. Feel free to pass the info to whomever as it is free, so it's just for shits and giggles and a place to pick the wild upsets.

Oh, and as a non-sequitar, somebody mentioned that the comments have gotten virulent and a bit harsh, especially towards me. First off, I know most of the commenters, so it's gravy as those douches are like family. For those "anonymous" comments that sometimes anger up the blood, let me say now that I won't censor unless its just purely pointless. My pappy didn't leave China so that his baby boy would grow up to be a stinking Commie!

Making Pappy Proud! (No, its not me)

I think the difference between the NCAA and the NAACP is that while they are obviously both predominantly made up of black folk, the NCAA is controlled by whitey. Either way nobody cares about latinos.

very introspective, mccheatalot. As for your pool, I might do it, maybe - but, I just want to say, I'm not certain that I received all of the free prize beers that were supposed to be coming to me from whipping all of your monkey asses in our "friendly" pool from last year. This time, bitches better pay up! But if I lose, you can all kiss my ass - the only person who is getting drunk at my expense will be me. Simultaneously, I love you all. No, I am not drunk right now. But maybe later.

you know who we haven't heard from in a while.. drinky mcproblem. i hope he didnt get in any cars with ted kennedy.. i was going to say something about the similar graduation rate between the ncaa and naacp but i will just leave it at saying they would all get balled up by the harlem globetrotters

wow, not much love for the friendly beer pool, so I've noticed. I was just kidding, I would buy a beer for the winner. Gee, guys, where's the sense of friendly gambling these days?? You're probably better off anyway, I'll be taking this one home again. Happy St. Pat's everyone!

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