Me No Funny
Well, I'm sitting here taking a breather from a refinance from hell and I have literally nothing humorous to parlay. But, I do happen to look at many funny websites on the interweb, so I'll instead use other's humor in my stead. Inside jokes will abound, so hopefully at least a couple of y'all will enjoy. And in response to those who trashed on Hil. Umm...well, YOU'RE horse-faced. I'd say that cocaine's a helluva drug, but methinks she may have a taste for the yam-yam.Yes, I know this is old news, but hell, I still get a kick out of it. Oh, and there's audio in the following links, but it's safe for work.

If UAB takes FSU's spot in the tournament, I swear I am going to stab you in the neck.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:04 AM
What makes it "FSU's spot?" You act like FSU has some sort of reserved place in the tournament? Sorry eric, but teams have to earn a place in the tournament. If UAB goes, it is "UAB's spot."
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:08 PM
Awww...Sorry eric but teams have to earn a place in the tournament. Boo hoo hoo. It is just a little trash talk, anonymous. You can keep the aftershcool special lessons on sportsmanship. I think any excuse to kill Victor is perfectly fine. In fact I think you have earned your spot in this year's pussy tournament. My bracket has you facing off with Brodie Croyle in the Elite 8, and advancing to face the entire country of France in the final four. I figure after a narrow victory over France, you will be all dried up, and lose a hearbreaker in the finals to an actual vagina. Place your bets.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:48 PM
Wait, so how does this Pussy Tournament work? Do I battle with Brodie and then the nation of France in a Puss-off on who's the pussiest? I'm not sure how this idea came about Cheaty, but I suggest that when you smoke your victory cigars to celebrate wacking it 10 times in a day, you need to remove the wrapper. Heh. Nothing like good trash talking. I do agree that any excuse to kill me is pretty valid. I do suck. Oh, and GO BLAZERS!
Posted by
Victor |
1:44 PM
You leave Tim, his Arturo Afuentes, Beaver Hunt, and KY jelly out of this Victor. You and your entire operation are a complete and total joke. Thing is, it's not one of those funny jokes, its the sad kind. The only thing less funny is the recent content of Shenanigoats. I, for one, applaud Mr. McCheatalot for his comment. It was clearly the funniest thing that has graced this site since Drinky McProblem talked about Honda Accords coming with woefully inadequate asian owners. The kind of owners that sit at home going commando, drinking cheap scotch and turning his crank orange from the cheatos he's eating while he watches South Park re-runs on his computer. Sound familar? Go Blazers?? I'm sure they are oh so proud to have your support.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:38 PM
I drove a Toyota Camry dumbass. And, geez, I think I'm smart enough to realize that you can eat cheetos with one hand and get the job done with the other. But, hey, I guess getting slammed by the self-proclaimed creator of the "Playboy lifestyle" is an honor. So what's Step 1 in that lifestyle again? Do you let your dog shit wherever first, or is it "build a collection of pizza boxes on the balcony and leave it for a couple of years"
Posted by
Victor |
3:20 PM
Ahahahaha man this could go on for days. (P.S. It's buy some really fly gear, then let your dog shit in the hall)
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:20 PM
good thing I don't live in Florida, your tax dollars at work you stupid non-Southerners - eric creating ten different usernames and passwords to talk bitch shit on Victor's blog. Funny, perhaps. Pathetic, yes. Productive, well... I guess we're better off for all present purposes with tripoli, eric, and anonymous? no. it's eric. instead of the other bullshit we've been subjected to on this site, so go State Attorney of Florida, go! Dog Victor and his waning wit once more!
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:22 PM
actually, none of this shit is funny - if I didn't know you guys, I would think you were all total douches... wait... I do know you guys... and you are all total douches.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:23 PM
All I have to say is "damn." Talk about vitriolic words spewing from the masses. "instead of the other bullshit we've been subjected to on this site, so go State Attorney of Florida, go! Dog Victor and his waning wit once more!" Thanks pardner, way to go hiding behind the mask of anonymity. I'm proud to know that my blog brings such hatred and dislike, and yet still y'all post. You know, as xenophobic Americans always say, love it or leave it. If you don't like my "waning wit" and "other bullshit", then get the fuck out. =) Of course, I still love you all. Just trying to keep up with this shit-talking contest while the scotch is still working. That's when I reach my surliest best.
Posted by
Victor |
7:12 PM