Roll Tide...I think?
So today, I embarked upon a pre-closing solo mio. For those that don't have greasy hair and spaghetti stains on their wife-beaters, that means "all by myself" in Italian-talk. Yes, Julia, I am mocking your people. Now go make another pizza and tell me how spicy thine meatballs are. Mama mia! Anywho, as the pre-closing winded down, the client decided to ask me some crazy property question that I had no idea about. Without getting into privileged areas, it was way over my head. I apologized and stated that I had just started as an attorney (LIE!) as I just graduated law school last year. Of course, the following question was "Oh really? Where did you go to school?" Since I'm a firm believer of honesty, I chose to say "THE University of Alabama" instead of some school up north that rhymes with Carvard. Of course, said client made a face that can only be described as that face from when the cop in Dumb and Dumber played by Harlan Williams drank the "beer" in Dumb and Dumber. Before I could offer a defense of "Well, sir, we ARE ranked in the top 40 nationally!", he stated that he had an in-law who went to 'Bama. And yes, sadly, anyone who's from or been to the state can probably guess what comes next. " Man, he's the dumbest sumbitch I've ever met. I have no idea how he graduated." With an eye on the attorney's fees he was handing over, I nodded and begrudingly stated that "Yes, there are some bad apples, just like any school." Well, of course, he went to UGA, which NEVER produces riff-raff of the nature at 'Bama. He went on to talk about how said in-law would get all upset over 'Bama games and talk constently about how great things were "when Bear was there". To prevent a scene, I decided to say that "Well, I don't really keep up with college football." After his incredulous "Oh really?", I stated that football wasn't really big in the Asian culture. Wow. Yes, I will admit that to prevent any further issues, I disavowed being a die-hard Bama fan. As many know, normally I would fight tooth and nail in saying that Alabama ain't that bad. But, alas, a paycheck is pretty good. And hell, I'm tabbed as an "Uncle Wang" anyways, so I guess selling out is just in my blood. In retrospect, perhaps I shouldn't be divulging these events, but hey, if the client happens to stumble upon this pathetic blog, more power to him. I'll buy you a shot of Alabama Slammer. Oh, and ROLL FUCKING TIDE!
there are truly no words for that picture - train wreck dude.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:42 PM
speaking of the picture.. i could have sworn that tim's mom was an auburn fan
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:53 AM
Victor, how you seem to follow one nasty sell-out with another is beyond me. I cant beleive that you would let someone talk to you like that. You had already done the work, you were going to get paid anyway, right? I mean I am in favor of Bama bashing, but to be talked down to by some Bulldog, well FUCK THAT!
P.S. - For all you Bama fans that are getting a little to big for your britches here during basketball season, see if these number stike a chord. (17-7)(28-23)(21-13)(28-18) Fear the Thumb, Bitches!
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:35 PM
Those numbers are stupid and insignificant. They mean very little to me, and thus in my mind, they do not exist for any purpose other than to be random numbers. As for the thumb, the only thumb I fear is the sneaky UFIA. And, we all know how much Tim loves the UFIAs. Keep them cornholes covered boys!
Posted by
Victor |
4:40 PM