The "Lady Loo"
When it hits, you know it. All those purple nurples have finally gotten to you. As Enrique Iglesias plays in the background, you realize that it's that dreaded time. Wee-wee. Golden river. Jellyfish sting-be-gone. Man's best friend. Sigh. Wheneven nature calls, it's right when you're grinding with this cute Itali...well..Indian? who cares...he's hot. Say bonjourno to Raj as your next date is with the long line in front of the ladies' room. How many times have you club-hopping, Smirnoff Ice-drinking, tight...tight black pants wearing ladies had to cut short a night of teasing gullible guys to visit Old Mother Hubbard. (Whatever, all I know is that it's a euphamism for the toilet in MY book.) Too many bumps from trying to perch an eagle on your 5' stilletos? Stall neighbor doesn't have a spare to square? Well, fear no longer.....introducing...
Thaaaaat's right ladies! Now you, too, can stand up to pee, just like us lizard-drainers. Who wants to mess with the hassle of long lines when you can just lift up the skirt and go to town! Yes, this amazing Lady Loo will make squatting and quadru-plying a thing of the past! But....there's more! Now some of you are asking, "Vic, what about toilet paper? A lady needs to stay fresh!" As my daddy used to say, "Son, keep your dern pants on."BOOOOO-YAH!!! Now you can tell those asshole French neighbors that you HAVE had the pleasure of the bidet. What's better than a clean refreshing shower so that you'll feel great all night long! Say goodbye, stinky britches! So never miss that dope Luda song again! Lady loo....what a rush!
Blogger's note - I apologize in advance for the previous message. Feminine hygiene is a serious issue that is neither funny nor amusing. Nothing at all. Those who laugh are immature and need to grow up........feminine wipes....uh-huhhuhhuh.
Wouldn't it be hard to aim? It seems to me that the stream wouldnt neccessarly come straight out. Am I wrong here? Having never actually seen one of these so called "vaginas" personally, I really cant say. However, if dames are going to pee standing up, I want to be the first one to say, "Put the goddam seat down, bitch!"
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:20 PM
I have been coming back to this site all day waiting on the inevitable response from Jason. Given the fact that his perspective on this topic would be the most experienced and knowledgable. What perspective you ask? Why, that of laying on his back and looking directly into the action as crack whores, retarded schoolgirls, unsuspecting nursing home patients, and any other chick who somehow respected Britt even less than themselves bestowed upon him his weekly diversion from the hum-drum of everyday life, the golden shower. Tell us Jason, is it hard for them to aim? Or did every one end up right on your protruding tongue?
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:25 PM
Eric, you have me confused. I am the shower head, not the bather. However, I think you knew that when you authored such a malicious post.
I want to encourage you to get over any bad feelings you may have towards me after I refused your multiple requests to be hosed down with my golden arch while dressed in your school girl outfit. I was flattered that you thought of me first, but I just don't swing that way. As I explained to you when you made the request, I reserve the administration of golden showers for Sara Hacker when stung by a jelly fish and your sister when she asks very nicely and quits with the crack for a moment.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:47 AM
I just want to say, golden showers aside, that I am severly disappointed that none of the few lady readers have commented that this lady loo is a FANTASTIC idea. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I thought standing up to pee was a dream that y'all had. Shows how much I know about women.
Posted by
Victor |
1:40 PM
Hahaha. Thats funny Jason. Shower head. In any event raise your hand if you thought Victor knew jack shit about women. (Insert sound of crickets chirping and send in the tumbleweed here)
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:44 PM
I will tell you why you have not gotten any female responses. It has been my experience that girls are not as interested in girls peeing as guys are, and they certainly are not as interested in talking about it. Mostly, I think girls like to pretend that they never pee or poop, and they definitely want everyone else to think that. Furhtermore, the post itself is so difficult to read with all of those stupid interjections and parentheticals. Its like Victor is so pleased with his comedic capabilities that he cant even believe himself. There is hardly a sentence without some sort of stupid remark embedded in it or following shortly thereafter.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:07 AM
Boy, it's pretty scary how right Adultery can be sometimes. I'd have some witty retort, but all I can say is "Bravo", you hit the nail on the head. Criticism acknowledged and accepted. In all seriousness, thanks for pointing that out b/c I was indeed blinded by self-adulation.
Posted by
Victor |
11:26 AM
This blog is great it gives us all a chance to belittle one another from afar.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:18 PM
The main flaw with the lady loo is drunken women cannot hold a squat after imbibing which inevitably lands the aforesaid vagina on the lady loo with water squirting everywhere. Not a pretty sight nor a very pleasant smell for the lady. Personally I don't want the same nasty stream of water touching my junk that has attempted to wash other funky nether-regions. There is a reason the bidet is found in France - frogs don't mind the stench of body secretions.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:39 PM
I'm not sure what kind of lady it was that responded, but I've never heard a lady refer to her privates as her "junk."
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:43 PM