Threatening mail...
Dear Friends:
Recently, I have received a letter that was both insulting and frightening. In the most professional tone of voice, an individual has attacked my good name and good judgment. My next course of action is uncertain, but for your review, attached is the aforementioned letter. The full names and personal information have been redacted as to allow privacy for the individual who has thusly attacked me in such a mature and eloquent fashion. Click on the image for a larger view.Blogger's note - All mock seriousness and anger aside, that was a great letter. I don't know if Tim just told his secretary to "Betsy, please respond with this general notion Braves SUCK!" and she did the rest, or if he sat there with a thesaurus. And he is very correct: that actually is the correct rule 1.02 of the official rules of baseball. With all this effor the spent, I fear a bill following said letter for services provided. Either way, that was the most professionl and classiest way I've ever been told that my team sucks. Well played, sir. Kudos to you.
This anonymous Timothy P. is well known in cyberspace. You may recognize him as a world class gymnast , artiste , or more familiarly as "the boy next door"
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:57 AM
Tim is a fancy, fancy boy. Seems that the desire to wear tights is a common thread. I guess there's nothing more comforting than having your boys in a snug, elastic sling. When you got heuvos the size of Tim's, you gotta keep them in place.
Posted by
Victor |
10:05 AM