Growing up....
One of the most difficult things in life is growing old. You have to see friends and family age as well as waking up with pains in areas you'd never realize you had. The worst part, in my mind, is seeing heroes of your youth stripped of their aura of greatness. While my previous post lauded the accolades of a star tabbed as being past his prime, the following will be a few pictures of icons of the my youth that have sadly hit upon hard times. Feel free to cry along as I will take a sad stroll down memory lane.Yes, sadly enough, the shout-out from Chappelle did nothing to help the one-and-only Gallagher. Who amongst us doesn't miss the glory days of the Sledge-o-Matic and his hilarious 80's humor? This man has fallen on hard times as his brother has stolen his act under the moniker of "Gallager Too". Be not fooled if you have a ticket, tis it not be the real Gallagher. But, the future looks a little brighter as he did fare pretty well in the recent California gubanatorial elections, losing to another great icon.
For those wrestling fans out there, the man to the right needs no introduction. The Total Package. The man who slammed Yokozuna. Yes, it is the great Lex Luger. Sadly, as you may have surmised, these are mugshots of Mr. Luger. The crime? Being charged with possession of non-prescription medication and also possibly linked to the death of Elizabeth Hulett. Yep, you read that correct...Miss Elizabeth. Sadly, she is with the greats such as Mr. Perfect, Big Bossman, the Junkyard Dog and Rick Rude. There's a helluva wrasslin' match up in Heaven. But, as for the Total Package, it's been a long, hard fall since the glory days of Torture Racking the likes of Buff Bagwell and Jimmy Hart.
Well, not much really needs to be said. Smurfette's stay in the Smurf Village has mentally destroyed any sense of normalcy she had. Being the only LEGAL (Sassette was a kid! Perv) female Smurf, she knew that every Smurf would kill to Smurf her. With this sense of entitlement, she went down a long, hard road of multiple Smurf-bangs, cocaine and general whore-ity. Time has not been kind. She waits patiently for that big reunion paycheck, but offering Smurf-jobs for food makes life pretty Smurfing hard.
While some of you have had the sad misfortune of seeing this picture, I felt that we still need to remember him. He was the principal to ALL of us, and look what he is relagated to. Sitting in a a dive getting offered shots by some drunk sorority girls. And to make matters worse, it looks to be a fruity, non-manly shot. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Kids, when you think about dropping out of school and going for that pie in the sky, remember, it's not that easy. Just stare into Belding's sad eyes as he sits in his Saved by the Bell crew jacket. Sniff....his expression is just that of a defeated man....excuse me...I've got something in my eyes...I just want to hold him and say "It's alll right...cuz you're saved by the bell"
Alright, sorry for that momentary loss of composure. But, we won't end on a downer. Many people have said that this man is a genius and a gift to humanity. I cannot agree more. From his portrayal of confused man #1 in Three Men and a Baby to his stupendous work as Mahoney, we can all agree that we were lucky to have lived during the time of Steve Guttenburg. Who can forget the time that he tricked Harris into going to the Blue Oyster? Some may ask, "What happened to him?" Well, due to his high standards, he his hid from the limelight and lay in wait for the next great role that can befit him. Yes, Police Academy 8 is back! Mahoney. Sweetchuck. Jones. Lassard. Hightower. It's like a dream come true. The movie is slated for 2007, and all I can say is that the time of Guttenburg is back.
Is it not about time for those BAR results?
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:01 AM
gee timmay, keep it light - one minute I'm thinking about Guttenberg over here, and then BAM - serious shit... which reminds me... I need to be studying for the TN bar - lame. On another note, Guttenberg never disappeared - he appears in TV's Veronica Mars - while Guttenberg himself plays a bit of a douche, the show is actually good stuff - I'm a fan. Anyway, shame about Smurfette - she looks like a cartoon Jerry Springer show.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:37 PM
Hey how about not using my real name. Homewreckers are not as popular as one might think. As for little Stevie Guttenberg, I did a little research and here are some of his movie titles.
Making Change; Meet the Santas; Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus; The Stranger; Casper: A Spirited Beginning; Cocoon: The Return; Amazon Women on the Moon; The Man Who Wasn't There; The Chicken Chronicles; and my favorite P.S. Your Cat is Dead.
Also he recieved credit as a producer and director for P.S. Your Cat is Dead: Behind the Scenes.
This guy fucking sucks!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:10 PM
Listen Homewrecker, leave all the Guttenberg goodness alone. Don't hate just because you wanted to swim with octegenarians in Cocoon. Wrinkles need Guttenberg love too. You know you look forward to date night at the nursing home every Thursday from 3:45 to 7:30 just a little too much. You're quite the casanova with the "nothing washes down a centrum silver like dementia" set from what I understand. And a firm believer in the healing powers of tapioca pudding. UMMMM, pudding. Go take your fiber and get rested for next Thursday. Erma won't wait forever . . .
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:00 PM
That's right Drinky. I must admit I got a thang for the older ladies. There is just something about a girl in orthopedic shoes. The only part I do not care for is when they die on you right in the middle of sex, then it is like a race against the clock to finish up before they get cold. You know what I mean? I bet Steve Guttenberg does.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:10 PM
Let's quit the fussin and a feudin. Police Academy is on right now on Comedy Central. So let's leave the geriatric sex alone for now and enjoy some Mahoney-mania.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:30 PM
I wonder who would win in a fight between Hightower and Mr. T.... And yes, Steve Guttenberg does suck really hard. Where is Eichman when you need him? Sorry, that may have been a bit too strong. Also, please forgive my curious mind, but what ever happened with the founder of popeye's? Did he beat the rap or is he in the klink?
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:53 PM
These folks always sucked. Your feeble child mind could not process it then but now you see them from what they really are...[insert degrading comment here].
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:03 PM
You have taken being inappropriate to a whole new level Adultery. Granny sex mixed in with necrophilia. Wow. I am certain that someone is starting a porn site as we speak to cater to this burgeoning market. all of the wrinkles, no pesky "you broke my hip again" complaints.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:04 PM
I can only think that Drinky's obsession with accusing Mr. McCheatalot of granecrophelia is that he is looking for some validation. Obviously on a recent evening he partook in a bit too much of the "fire water" and awoke with a titanic headache and awoke to find the corpse of someone's grandmother face down in his bean bag chair that he calls a bed. Instead of realizing that he is called Drinky MCPROBLEM for a reason, he seeks to pummel the right honorable Mr. McCheatalot into admitting to the same in a febile effort to validate his detestable actions. I recall a similar incident on my balcony in which he spent 2 hours accusing me of tossing a black midgit hobo's salad, only to drink enough natural light to finally admit that it was he who had done so..
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:39 AM