Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!
I'll be the first to admit that I have no idea what Cinco de Mayo celebrates. After a little research, I was not too shocked: it's the celebration of Mexico's victory over....France. Yes, big surprise that the Frenchies lost in another war. But, nonetheless, it is a holiday for the celebration of beating Frenchmen, which would seem like no big deal as everybody and their cousin has managed to beat them in one form or fashion in the past 200 years. Regardless, to many, it is like St. Patrick's day. Another ethnic holiday that makes a great excuse to drink. And, luckily for all you alcoholics out there, like St. Paddy's day, Cinco de Mayo is also on a Friday. But before y'all go crazy on the margaritas and tequila shots, there is a much more serious issue at hand. Illegal immigration. Some of y'all up in DC or here in Atlanta are heavily involved with it, and it's a pretty divisive issue. But before you make any decisions, just listen to the voice of the people. Yes, big-city folks voice their "educated" opinions on this issue. Below are just a few choice comments taken from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's online forum regarding Cinco de Mayo and Mexicans in general. These are actual posts. Whether you agree or disagree on this issue, everyone can appreciate some xenophobic comments. Enjoy.
May 4, 2006 12:25 PM |
How un american Jessica-you must listen to hip hop.My Company is boycotting EVERYTHING Mexican until the illegals leave. If we get any more PC, women will be wearing Burlap sacks like they do in Iran. How can you celebrate a culture that envisions doing whatever the hell you want without regard to the rules? Would you feel the same way if an illegal ran over your kid or you because some stupid state gave him a license to drink and drive? How about one that broke into your house trying to steal your beer? Think about it. Breaking and Entering is a crime-does not matter if it is a house, a bank, a business or a country.
By Ed
May 4, 2006 12:27 PM
Why do we celebrate Mexico’s independence day in the United States? Do we celebrate France’s Bastille Day? Do we celebrate Australia’s independence day? What about Canada’s? I am an American. My ancestors (1840’s and earlier) came from Scotland and Ireland, but I am American. Period. As for celebrating it just as an excuse for celebrating something, forget it. I won’t even do Taco Bell now because of this invasion of our nation by foreign forces.
By Tina
May 4, 2006 09:31 AM
Unfortunately, the legal immigrants supporting the illegals in these protests have caused many Americans to look unfavorably on not just illegals, but Mexicans in general. I think everyone should avoid all things Mexican all the time, not just May 5th.
By time for the truth
May 4, 2006 02:57 PM
But my wife and I are PROUDLY boycotting anything Mexican/Latino. We stopped some time ago going to mexican restaurants and any other businesses that we are discover are run/owned by latinos are now permanently on the BUY NOTHING FROM list.
Its simply mirroring back exactly what the latino bigots did earlier this week and seem to do constantly all year round.
If everybody boycotted the more obvious CORPORATE and small business panderers/enablers of illegals then the situation might improve.
I think the 5th of May is the perfect date to start actually building the 2000 mile wall. I think it should be mined as well in the more popular crossing spots - just to make sure!! :)
Illegal Mexicans should be treated here in the US exactly the same way they treat their own illegals. That way there is no hypocrisy or racial double standards.
May 4, 2006 03:24 PM
I think every US citizen should frequent a Cinco de Mayo party and drag every mexican out into the street and herd them on a bus and ship them back to Mexico! To hell with anything Mexican!
By Jeff
May 4, 2006 03:50 PM
Let’s put it this way: Tequila is my poison of choice. Margaritas are a passion of mine. I will have no more of either until the Wall is built and mined (and preferrably with a few nuclear warheads pointing at Mexico City, but I won’t hold my breath on that one.)
What I don’t get: We have the world’s strongest army and the world’s largest storehouses of nuclear weaponry. Why can’t we insert a spec ops team with a breifcase nuke into El Presidente Fox’s office and FORCE him to deal with the issue?
I like the :) smiley face thing after the one person says to mine the border. Nothing brings an ear to ear grin to my face like blowing off the lower extremities of human beings via booby trap. In any event, I too am now somewhat consciously boycotting mexican stuff. It was initially an annoyance to see the way they were acting, but if we do nothing, we have no business to complain. Muerte a Mexico!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:52 AM
Holy frijoles! I am with eric on this one? No more bandanas, lowriders, pinatas, and absolutely no more naps in the middle of the day. I fear however my boycott will stop short of senioritas, nachos, and terminology such as "holy frijoles."
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:05 AM