Day of Evil
Just a word to the wise, everybody needs to be careful today. An evil presence looms with the passing of this day. For those not in the know, or possibly heathens, the day is 06-06-06. The Mark of the Beast. Evil may befall you in many various ways. For example, today, I knocked over my bowl of Captain Crunch with SWIRLED Berries while trying to find the remote so that I didn't have to watch lowlights of the Braves losing again. In another ominous turn, as I left for work, I drove halfway there before realizing that not only was my tie not matching my shirt, but that I had worn two different shoes. Lastly, as I stopped at a gas station to get me a pack of gum and a water, the total? You guessed it, $2.94. Which if you add $ get $6.66. Coincidence? I think not. Tread cautiously as the evils that may arise may cause you minor irritation. Of course, if you see some seedy looking fella handing out t-shirts that say 666 on them, don't take them. They might be smelly and made poorly in China. Oh, and something about being marked for eternal damnation. That's no good, either. But then again, if you're one of those stinkin Dum-ocrats, you're probably having a great day eating the live rabbit's heart as you fornicate with two male goats and a rocking chair.
Update - Evil activities for today will be added whenever the evilness feels inclined to mess with me:
1) Lunch Time - Due to a closing, I had to eat one of those oh-so-tasty microwave meals. It was a Healthy Choice serving of Chicken Parmigian. I used one of those clear plastic party forks. All I need to say is that apparantly the force needed to cut through the "chicken" is greater than the plastic. So, a snapped fork later, fat-free tomato sauce stains are now on my computer screen, my suit and the closing documents. Now I get to fight lunch traffic to go home and change. Awesome.
2)2:51 PM EST - I have to make copies for all the closing documents and checks. Printer decides to dislodge it's copying/scanning green light doohicky. No copies, no scanning and no faxes. Now I need to find some lackey to run to Kinko's. Oh wait, that's me.
I bet Tim woke up today feeling like a million bucks... hmm..
Posted by Anonymous | 10:01 AM
I bet Tim woke up today feeling like a million bucks... hmm..
Posted by Anonymous | 10:01 AM
Well I see Shenanigoats has not been spared of evil wrath as my comment posted twice utterly without any reason or explination.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:02 AM
have you ever considered the possibility that you are just one of the most inept humans on the face of the earth? i mean, you would be doing this same shit and having the same issues on october 2nd would you not? just wondering..
Posted by Anonymous | 3:07 PM
Muuuuuuuuuhahahahaha. Bow before my greatness. Today begins the reign of darkness. From now on all water shall be fire, all light shall be black, all potato skins will be served without bacon bits, all boobs will be fake, all beer shall be natural ice, and all women will resemble Charles Nelson Reilly.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:43 PM