Me Chinese...Me Play Joke
Well, not really. I can't put pee-pee in your Coke. As I determined today, I also cannot tell the difference between my fellow Orientals (the people, not the rug). Alas, I may have sent this link to Eric in the past as he claims to have the discerning eye of being able to tell the difference between a gook, jap or chink. I, on the other hand, cannot. Sadly enough, they all look the same to me. I guess in retrospect it's not terribly racist that you can't tell the difference between Japanese, Korean or Chinese. It's kind of like asking you to pick out the Dutchman in a lineup with Krauts, Limeys and Frogs. Granted, if the Kraut was seig-heiling it up and the Frogs had on a stupid beret and stunk, then yeah, it would be easy because you are basing it on stereotypes. But, as for just facial feature and what not, I am reminded of the movie "Die Hard 3". In this classic, evil Germans decide to rob the Federal Reserve in NYC. Their cunning plan includes dressing up as NYC's finest. Although they were steely-jawed blonde-haired blue-eyed Arayans, even the indominatble Bruce Willis did not question their American-ness. I would be hard-pressed to point out the Brit or the Polack. Maybe Italian as their spaghetti stains and greasy hair usually give it away. By now, if you are horribly offended, let me just say that you are humor-challenged and probably suffer from rigidity-of-the-anal-sphincter. Damn you, PC thugs! Now, my final point was this, take the test at the following link and see how you do. Just fill in the info and use a fake name if you are one of those tin-foil "government's out to get me" types. I got me an 8. Oh, and for the curious, I am Chinese. Duh.
I got a 6, but lets talk about Chinese people, with your karate, and all that silly ching, chang, chong talk. I cant understand you!
Go back to your country! Ah, White Power!
Posted by Anonymous | 12:11 PM
That thing cheats. I got like 11 or something. It is obvious that some of those people are not pure-breeds. There is a considerable amount of cracker in some of those chicks. I had to try and figure out how old they were so that I'd know about what year some GI banged the girl's mom in a opium induced stuper in some shack on the outside of town. whores. nothing but whores. what was my point again? ah screw it.
Posted by Anonymous | 6:57 AM
A Chinese couple gets married. She's a virgin and, truth be told, he is none too experienced either. On the wedding night, she cowers naked under the bed sheets as her husband undresses. He climbs in next to her and tries to be reassuring:
"My darring" he says, "I know dis yo firs time and you berry frighten. I pomise you, I give you anyting you want, I do anyting... just anyting you want, you say. Whatchou want?" he says, trying to sound experienced, which he hopes will impress his virgin bride.
A thoughtful silence follows and he waits patiently (and eagerly) for her request. She eventually replies shyly and unsure, "I want... numba 69!" More thoughtful silence, this time from him. Eventually, in a puzzled tone he queries... "You want... Beef wif Broccori?
Posted by Anonymous | 10:14 AM
White Power Bill, I don't understand why the Chinese couple who are about to have sex speak in English, and broken English, even. It's a funny joke, nonetheless, and I always appreciate comments from my white-supremacist brethren. White Power! (Heh, maybe this site will get flagged by the FBI or something).
Posted by Victor | 4:29 PM
Wow a 3...I am no good at stereotypes
Posted by Anonymous | 3:33 PM