When it rains...it pours
Alright, it just seems that things can't get much worse. Not only do my beloved Braves suck worse than Tim's mom looking for rent money, now they have started dredging the depths of suckitude for promotional usage. First, Delta Airlines decides that their face for the company should be Jeff Francoeur. For those unfamiliar with my hatred of him, in a nutshell, he is a goober who swings at the first pitch and every subsequent pitch. He is the bane of my existence. I figure that it is fitting that Delta chose him as both are very shitty and try to gain sympathy by being the local choice. The message is "Hey, we know we suck, but come on, we're kind of attractive and from the Atlanta area". Now, on Turner South, the Braves have hired artists in the past to remix the Braves war chant. Artists such as Cee-Lo and Travis Tritt have added their own unique sound. This next artist, in what I can only assume is the Braves method of trying to relive the glory days of the 90s, embodies what is oh so wrong about the Braves. Try not to drink or eat anything while watching this video as undoubtedly whatever said thing you're eating or drinking will most likely come out your nose. Watch in horror.
Apparantly, its 1992 again.
Dude.. Sid Bream can freaking break it down. Two questions arise from watching that...
1) At what point does Hammer cease to be legit, signifiying that it is, in fact, time for him to quit? Is this that point? and..
2) Why is Otis Nixon nowhere to be found in that video? It should feature him and Hammer hitting a crack pipe and throwing $100 bills at Bobby Cox's wife tellin her to shake that rump, resulting in Bobby introducing her to the back of his hand, or as he calls it "the diswasher repair man".
10 years from now if Nelly makes a video with Lou Brock and Whity Herzog breaking it down.. I'll become a Nationals fan.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:14 AM
Aw Hammer don't hurt 'em...I am breaking out my Cross-Colors as soon as I get home.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:32 AM
On June 26, 2006 it was officially declared in open court, on the record, in the District Court of Madison County, Alabama, that the Braves suck. While I was in attendence at a drug court docket the judge commented on one of the defendants choice of garb, namely an Albert Pujols jersey. Her exact question was, "why arent you a braves fan?" The assistant District Attorney then presented evidence consisting of the Braves current win-loss record (32-45). The judge then laughingly stated, "I declare that the Braves are not very good this year."
There you have it, legally binding precedent for what I have always said. The Braves SUCK. I guess you could always appeal. Maybe Hammer could write the brief.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:13 AM
I was wondering how long it would take you to blog about the Hammer Braves promo. When I first same the add I hung my head in frustration as I thought to myself "what out of touch 40 year old in the marketing department pulled M.C. Hammer out of retirement for this shit." I also wondered how they convinced young braves players like Andruw, Tim Hudson, Jeff Franceor and others (that I assmume are pretty hip) to participate in such a sad showing. I guess it is in their contract.
I do have to admit that I enjoy seeing the old players. Watching Dale Murphy show Phil Neikro how to hit is pretty cool and watching sid bream shake it down is good entertainment. The song will even get in your head if you ignore the "artist."
On the franceur issue. I really think that you will grow to eat your words. French is young and has not learned patience. Think about how streaky Andruw was 4 or 5 years ago. I think Jeff will stay with the Braves for a while (frankly nobody would want him right now) and will eventually become a player that bats around 290, with 100 RBIs, and 25 homeruns on a consistent basis.
In any event, I followed the braves through the Dale Murphy era and didn't turn my back on them then. I certainly will not turn on them now.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:47 PM
Wow there Tonto, I hope you ain't insinuating that I'm jumping ship. That's akin to calling me a no good Jap...or Gook. I'm stinking the Braves through thick and thin. I just enjoy a good-natured ribbing at how bad they are b/c, face it, they havent been bad in forever. Now, don't let me catch you ever calling me a Fairweather Johnson, or we's gonna have troubles, y' hear? =)
Posted by
Victor |
10:28 PM
Will.. I assume the same 40 year in the marketing department is trying to strike a chord with people who still use the term "pretty hip". Frankly I thought the video was "boss", borderline "tubular".
On a somewhat related topic, I had never noticed but should have... as I watch the France-Spain game yesterday what do I see? What is the mascot for France (a guy in a suit in the crowd and one depicted on the jersey itself)? You guessed it.. a chicken.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:11 AM
C'est un poulet stupid american.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:39 AM
Whether it be poulet (French) Huhn (German) Galletto (Italian) or Pollo (spanish) it still means chicken. Smelly frenchman.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:08 AM
Tripoli est un derriere de cheval puant.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:06 PM
You see, this is why I hate the fucking Braves. Their fans are all fucking posers. "Oh, Im not a fair-weather fan. I have loved the Braves since I was a kid. I liked them when Dale Murphy was playing."
You are a goddam LIAR!!!!!!
Everybody liked Dale Murphy, he was good. Nobody liked the Braves, they were terrible. There is a difference. I like Shaq, but you dont see me claiming to be a life long Heat fan. I wish I could believe all you dirty liars, and maybe someday I will. That will be the same day that I hear one, just one, person say "you know I never really liked the Braves until they were good."
I was at the Braves games in the 80s, and I didn't see the entire state of Georgia there. In fact, I didn's see anyone there. It is ok to be a fair-weather fan. It is human nature. It is not, I repeat not, ok to claim to be a life long fan. That sucks. I know the Braves have a long streak of winning the division,, and I have no doubt that most of you have been attentive for the past 10 or 15 years, but how many of you were hanging on those 3 ball - 2 strike, 9th inning, pitches in the late season when the Braves were losing by 10 runs and 150 games out of first place? None of you. That sir, is a life long fan. You sir, are a poser. Not hating a team is not the same as being a fan.
Victor you are a Braves fan NOW. You go to the games, you check on the score to every game, you follow the players, and you know all thier names. There is no way that you did all of that in 1989. Kiss my ass.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:18 PM
How interesting, two unrelated strings of comments. First, I thought I made it clear that French was forbidden to be spoken amongst us. And, no matter how you say it, chicken is DELICIOUS.
Now, to the dastardly accusations of Mr. McCheatalot. In my defense, I had no chance to watch the Braves as a kid. We did not get cable till the end of middle school. I don't know what your definition of "life-long" fan is, but I assume it's through thick and thin. Is it my fault that when I actually got into baseball, the team happened to be winning? So for anybody who's born after 1991, they are a poser fan b/c they have only been fans when the Braves have been winning. Believe me, if I had a crazy, older scientist-friend and a Delorean or a magic telephone booth, I would go back to 1979 and sit in the empty FulCo and cheer my ass off. In fact, I would bring the tomahawk chop with me, and the entire course of history would be altered. The point, though, is that even if I'm a "poser" as you claim, I am not abandoning them now, and am ready for the long-haul. Perhaps then it'll prove to you, even though I don't see why I need to, that I'm a "real" Braves fan. Man, I'm bored at work today.
Posted by
Victor |
1:28 PM
Tripoli - I contend the words "pretty hip" can be downright awesome if said with the right intonation.
Victor - Not implying your a fair weather fan; I was just re-pledging my baseball allegance. Also, I think McCheatalot's comments were more directed at me. As far as those comments go, I think McCheatalot and I just have different defintions of the word fan. McCheatalot seems to think that to be a fan requires hanging on 3-2, bottom of the ninth situations, when your pitcher is at the plate down by 5 runs. When I say "I followed the braves through the Dale Murphy era" I mean that I wore a braves baseball cap, went to at least two games a year, watched 50 or more games a year on television, and generally let anyone that asked know that the braves were my favorite team. By my standard ,I have been a braves fan since circa 1986. Which means I had to deal with at least 5 crappy seasons of baseball.
By saying I followed the Braves through rough times, I am not implying that other posters are fair weather fans. I give McCheatalot all the credit in the world for following Auburn even though he knows that they will always play kid brother to the Tide.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:20 PM
If I recall, Victor did not really become a Braves fan until he moved to Atlanta. When I first met him he claimed to like the Athletics. He wore that stupid ass Oakland hat. He spoke of that team as "we". He may have liked the Braves too.. but he was far from a die-hard fan like he is now. And the Braves are not, I repeat NOT, America's team. Even though I dislike them, that is the Cowboys. Auburn sucks.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:46 AM
OK. On an off topic. I have a couple of websites to recommend. www.engrish.com and www.anonymouslawfirm.com
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:13 PM
Kid brother? Please. Alabama hasn't played in a single meaningful game in 3 years. Not to mention the fact that Auburn has taken complete control of the series. The streak was at four when last I counted. Alabama fans of our generation have to realize that there is an entire nation of youth out there that dont remember the "good ole days." Its the same with Notre Dame. Nobody cares anymore. All Notre Dame is known for now is beign USC's whipping boy. Soon enough all anybody will know is that Alabama hasnt had any talent and they havent won any games in quite a while, not to mention the only coverage they get is scandal ridden. Simultaneously, Auburn has emerged as the class of the SEC. Sure we fell short of the national championship, but other than Georgia and LSU we are the only team to put together a consistently competitive team. I mean we have sent enough players to the NFL in the past four years to make our own team. Meanwhile, Alabama cant sign a decent coach, they cant recruit a decent player, and as a result are forced to field a subpar unit. WAKE UP! Alabama is only getting worse and Auburn is only getting better. Actually, Bama fans keep living the dream, its just gonna make this all the sweeter. Fear the thumb on the other hand, bitches!
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