Creative Writing 101
As all two of you readers may be aware, things have been slow on the updates. I can only blame insane boredom and having nothing really exciting happen to stir up the ole creative bone. The most exciting thought to pop in my head recently was the image of swimming in a vat of hot chicks and Popeye's. I'm pretty sure nobody needs to hear any more of the story other than "yak'em". I stumbled upon the a webiste "". Apparantly, it's just a bunch of random ideas that supposedly can help jog your creative pickle. So, here goes. I'm going to try to do as many as I can for a stretch of a week, one a day, and see how many people I can bore to death.
Day 1 - "Use all of these words in a poem: crash, crumpled paper, straw, gravel, ochre"
This creative assignment is a piece of trash
Heaps and heaps of crumpled paper
Seems I should give up and crash
Gotta watch out for that rumpled raper
It's pretty obvious I'm grabbing at straws
This poem's smooth like glass and gravel
I like to suck on fish named craws
Especiallly in Nawlins, where I like to travel
I met this chick with hair of ocre
Damn, I'd wish I could poke her.
Yeesh, I dunno what's worse, this lame attempt at a poem, or the fact that i spent about 20 minutes trying to rhyme with straws. I'd like to blame that site for lame ideas, but I pretty sure it's mostly my lack of talent. I don't really know how to salvage this pathetic attempt at a post of humor, so I'm just quit before it gets any worse. I'm welcome to any ideas, or, perish the thought....guest appearances.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:03 PM
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:57 PM