Aha...so with the title, you were presuming that this entry would be filled with dirty, misogynist, sexist discussions about the female body part known as the hoo-hoo dilly. Well, you, my femi-nazi friend, would be quite wrong. Instead, this will be a collection of pictures of cats and kittens that have managed to grab my attention. Of course, pussies have often grabbed my attention, of course, I mean kitten-variety that are cute, hilarious, or just downright absurd. Thus. here are a few pictures of cats that I have found to have created a chuckle, chortle, titter, and an occasional tear. I claim no credit for these pictures as they are all of the creation of others. I would think that this is a disclaimer to NOT SUE ME. But whatever, if the owner of a picture of a cute kitten wants to sue me for damages from copyright issues, I say "Bring it". You can garnish my meager wages and take my collection of Simpsons toys and Popeye's coupons. Hell, not only are they unoriginal, the posting is also uncreative as many may be quite aware of such pictures, and I am just desperate for ideas. Anywho, as I say in many of my unrealistic dreams, "Let's bring on some pussy!!!" (Editor's note: In honesty, there will be probably only a couple of kitten pictures, the others will just be random stuff that I have found quite amusing. And for some reason they all deal with masturbation. Take that for what you will.)