( * v * ) are awesome!
So, for the few of you who still actually use IM (and those who don't, get on the dang boat!), you are quite familiar with the concepts of emoticons. Those nice ways to express your emotions on the great internet, you can substitute certain icons. Nowadays, kids got them fancy moving emoticons and talking ones and all that jazz. But, in MY day...we had to use what our keyboards gave us....letters, punctuations, and our gosh dern imagination! For example:
xxxsexyteen6969xxx: asl? ; )
bigcat927: umm.....
xxxsexyteen6969xxx: cool! i'm 19 and super horny : P
bigcat927: uhhh......
xxxsexyteen6969xxx: see more of my pictures here at this link!!!
bigcat927: =)
Of course, that was a simulated conversation, but in general, the old-school emoticons were variations of the following:
: ) - Happy...agreeable...
: ( - Sad...mad...I've pooped my pants...
; ) - Winking...just kidding...flirty...my eyes are bleeding..
:*( - Sad....crying...I have a hideous mole...
: O - Shock...awe...."O" face....I can't believe it's not butter
: P - Nyah!...whatever....*raspberry*...I have only one tooth left...
And so on and so forth. But, for those who want to take it to the next level and have some "adult situations", here are some useful icons. To make this fun, highlight next to the icon to get the answer. Enjoy! Oh, and yes, these are very immature and reflect poorly on myself. : P
1. IIIIIIIID My ding-a-ling
2. IIID Your ding-a-ling
3. ( * v * ) Boobies!!
4. (i) Where babies come from
5. IIIIIID ----- : * o Oops Sploogensen (in the eye!)
6. | * ' * | Underage....pervert
7. ( * ) The pooper
8. : { ) Free mustache ride
9. : { ( Dirty Sanchez
10. ( * )U( * ) Chili Dawg
Grade yourself!
0-3 - The "internet" is a method of communicating to others via computers.
4-7 - Watch out for the FBI. Pervert.
8-10 - You must be great at typing with one hand.
So kids...the next time you want to creep out a friend or just try to talk dirty to that special someone who's miles away...remember:
I want to put my IIIIID in your (i)
Check this out.
Homer Simpson. (_8(1)
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:14 PM
i can make my calculator say "boobs"
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:56 AM