Kids and their damn I-pods and Youtubes
Now, back in MY day, we didn't have none of these fancy newfangled gadgets to pass the time. We didn't have no myspace or youtube so that we could start the process of being sexual beings at the age of 12. We played "Doctor"and that was as much action as one could get, barring the jackpot of stumbling on Pop's Playboy collection. We didn't text each other or send virtual kisses. We passed notes in class that said "Do you like yes or no." When it was raining and I was bored, I didn't have no stinking internet porn or video games to pass the time. We sat around and played rhyme games and tag. And that's we liked it! So, as a stroll down memory lane, here are some "fun" games that I recall from my childhood.

This was the one chance that fat kids like me had to shine in those halcyon days. Us fatties weren't real good at hiding or seeking. But, this game was our time. For those that don't recall, it was a game where two teams lined up across from each other and holding hands. Then, the team leader would say "Red rover, red rover...send Victor right over". So, I, being on the other team, would muster all the strength in my tubby ass and charge across to try to break through the hand-holding defenses of the other team. And boy howdy, I knocked some scrawny white asses on the ground. Although, being shorter, they eventually realized that by raising their arms, that was a pretty effective way to clothesline me. Bastards.
2) 500 -
This was a game preferred by the kids who really had no athletic ability, but still enjoyed sports to some extent. The game was the perfect for the fatties, bespectacled and the short to play on the sideline when they are invariably not chosen by the team captains in the pickup football game. The game consists of the person (or "It") and the other people. Whoever is It will lob a football (or baseball) high in the air towards the other players, while shooting out a numerical value. The person who catches the ball, gets the points...eventually a new "it" is named when that person totals a score of 500. Negative points may be awarded, but those who did that are assholes. Not much athletic ability is needed as the only skills required are a) the ability to stand and b) the ability to catch. Of course, there was those kids who felt they deserved to have been picked to play in the real game, and treat the game of 500 as an exhibition for NFL scouts. And there's always the dick who just wants to be it the whole time and makes every ball impossible to catch and/or worth only fractions of points (yeah, we were math geeks).
Us sophisticated types in Huntsville didn't play plain and boring "freeze tag". We jazzed it up by adding the crucial element of naming TV shows in order to be unfrozen. As I sit here trying to recall the rules, I am getting a blank spot. If I remember, there was on person who was "it", and their goal was to freeze everyone? And if you could yell out a TV show, you were unfrozen. The more I think about, the more futile the game seems. Who's the aribitor in case there's an argument over whether you've used the TV show already or not? I can't imagine that you would be allowed to say the same show everytime, because otherwise, you'd just slowly waltz along and everytime you're frozen, just say "The Snorks." As such, why would anyone ever want to be "it" then? There must have been some way to allow them the chance to pass on the "it" title. Man, what a shitty game! All I know is that Silver Spoons and ALF were my go-to shows. And if things REALLY looked hairy, I dropped the "Hee-Haw" on them. Moving on.
4) Heads Up Seven Up

Now, there are probably more than enough games that I played as a kid, and I assume by now nobody gives a rat's ass. Thus, thise was one games as suggested on a kid's activity websites that confuses and scares me.
Chinese Jump Rope

First you begin with the rope around the ankles of two children.
Another child jumps in the rope with both feet. Then the child jumps out of the rope with both legs straddling each outside rope. Next, the child jumps from side to side. (Straddling each side of the rope.) Then the child jumps on the rope. Then out again. Finally, the child takes the rope, crosses it using their legs, so that their legs are in side of an x. Then the child has to jump out and straddle the rope.
With each jump if they land on the rope when they are not supposed to, then they are out. Or if they are trying to land on it and miss they are out. Once you accomplish the ankles, you move up to the waist, then below the arms, then finally the neck (I have never seen it go that far.) With each sequence you say, "in, out, side, side, on, in, out."
Wow, I don't really know what the fuck is being described. All I can say is that if this game is implying that Chinese people and the words "children" "tied ankles" and "straddle" have something in common...then you're wrong. It should be called Japanese Jump Rope. Sick fuckers.
Dude, everybody knows that in TV tag you could only be unfrozed by spreading your legs, and having someone who is "not it" crawl through while you say the name of a tv show. If anyone says the same show twice then they are "it," or if everyone gets frozen then a new "it" is selected. Additionally, dont sleep on "Benson" as a fall back show, to be used only in cases of dire emergency.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:57 AM
The Montgomery derivation was cartoon freeze tag.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:02 PM