Things to be thankful for
On the eve of Thanksgiving Day, here are just a few things I'm thankful for (most are real...a couple are sarcastic):
No traffic on the interstate.
A glass of scotch after a long day.
Myspace friend requests from wanna-be porn stars and seventeen year-olds.
Phone conversations that require just the use of the word "ok".
Driving with the windows down and the music up.
The extra chicken nugget in a six-pack.
Not living in Alabama after the Iron Bowl (except when/if Bama wins).
Wearing jeans to work.
A freezing apartment and a warm comforter.
Eating Popeye's in bed right before doing the laundry.
White women.
Continuing to read long after the Browns have reached the Super Bowl.
Steve Perry's magic voice.
Friends who still believe in me despite all reasons not to.
Finding a quarter and a cigarette while looking for the remote.
Our troops. (Saw a bunch coming home at the airport.....God bless 'em)
Having exact change at the drive-thru.
The anticipation before a Braves-Bama-UAB-Falcons game...and the sadness afterwards.
People who love the Final Countdown.
Slightly burnt mac n' cheese.
Random conversations with random strangers.
Nasty high fives.
The Garfield float in the Macy's Parade.
Buying new ties.
Living in the greatest country in the world.
Knowing random facts such as who is Itchy and who is Scratchy at trivia night.
Burning a new CD full of the worst 80's songs imaginable and making others listen to it.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!