Your "Official" Election Day Blog

First off, let me say what everyone should be saying: "Get off your ass and vote....if you're a Republican." I kid. In honesty, go out and vote, irregardless of your political leanings. Well, that is unless you support Communism and/or white supremacy. As they say in Chicago, vote early and vote often. I won't get into the political quagmire of failing wars, pedophile congressman and methed-up clergyman. Also, for my last political plug:

As a quick recap of this crucial vote, here are some fancy bullet points
-> Mayor McCheese thrown out of office after being set up by bitch
-> Successor Mayor Hampton Burglar's rein has been marked with theivery, burgaling and all sorts of hedonistic excess.
-> Mayor Burglar cannot function without the use of cocaine and special sauce.

The choice is clear.

Anywho, my point today was about the use of the word "official" and such advertising words of it's ilk. I know that when you say "The Official ______ of the NFL" or etc, it means that the company paid a shitload of money. I won't question the usage of said advertising money on making a soup the official NFL soup (what does that mean??? if you are in the NLF are you NOT allowed to purchase Sam's Choice Chowder?) My questioning of "official" was piqued when I sat in traffic and heard a local radio station proclaim itself to be "Your Official Station for Christmas Music." I may not be a smart man, but I don't know how or who made the station official. Is there an office of Christmas Music? Are other stations precluded from playing that God-awful Mariah Carey Christmas song? It's like the claims of being the "World's Largest" or the "World's First". I know that's one of those advertising liberties they take in basing the reliabilty of such claim as a basis of reasonableness. Or so I assume. Could I open a store that's just called "The Offical World's Largest Bestest Store"? Sure, and I'm sure nobody would show up. Unless it sold beer and porn. Irregardless, my point still remains in that I don't want to live in a society where words such as "official" "world's largest" and "sexiest" are bandied about willy-nilly. Otherwise, good people like myself may actually believe that the "THE world's largest offical club for the sexiest strippers in town" is located at a one room shack run by a seedy man named Bruno. Well...hypothetically speaking, of course, as I do not frequent said places of ill repute. But, as is, this post was your official Asian-Typed Election-Related Rant of the day. And I officially am done.

Mayor McCheese never stood a chance with you as campaign manager. You were the guy who wanted to run for Mayor of Buffet City on the platform of higher prices and no more all you can eat dinners. You might as well have called the troops stupid or something.

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