Journey is the greatest band in the world....Part 1
First off, that's an obviously "duh" statement. There's really no questioning the awesomeness of a Steve Perry-led band that manages to cross generational gaps with their awesomeness. Hands down, they are probably single-handedly responsible for the fall of the Berlin Wall, the creation of the Internet and nuclear power, as all three were created as means to be able to better listen to Journey. Secondly, it's been too darn long that the handsome visage of Steve Perry has graced us with his presence. So, on a slow day at work, here are the delightfully awesome Journey/Steve Perry related items that are available to purchase on eBay. Also, it is suggested that that average person cannot handle the mind-blowing awesomeness of all this Journey gear; my advice is to pace yourself and take sips of water as you progress towards the coup de grace at the end. This will have to be a two-parter as even I, an experienced Journey-phile, cannot continue to be inundated with such cromulent images without taking a break. Today, we'll just tackle the articles that you can wear....
1) Steve Perry Earrings
Awesomeness. Now you can be at any party and hear "Wow Linda! Those Steve Perry earrings REALLY match your shoes!" And, they will go totally great with the.....
2) Steve Perry Pin

2) Steve Perry Pin

This will come in handy when Steve runs for President in '12. The myriad possibilities of using "Don't Stop Believing" in his ads, taglines and even debates is just hilariously awesome.
3) Journey Necklace
4) Steve Perry Dogtag
I'm at a loss of words for the sheer spectacularity of this. Expert craftmanship. Attention to details. I mean, if you're in the trenches and under fire, who else would you rather have hanging around your neck and close to your heart?
5)Journey Sleeveless T-Shirt
Pretty standard and tame. I was just very disturbed by the androgynous person wearing said shirt In what appears to be Confederate flag wallpaper. Moving on...
6) Journey Rhinestone Studded Shirt
For when you have a wedding or some other fancy event to attend, why don't you put on the good shirt with them diamonds on them??? From the actual eBay auction page:
Swarovksi t-shirt Top ShirtDon't believe them???? Well here's a close-up.
The pictures do not do the crystals justice.
They are high quality stones imported from Austria.
I really can't look at this without laughing. Based on the auction site, it's a baby shirt for those kids who want to start out early in their love of Journey. All I can say is that I can totally picture the Kang family portrait where we are all sporting the above-described gear. And yes, I would TOTALLY shell out the big bucks so my woman can have diamonds from Austria that spell out Journey. pushing and know where to find me....
8) Steve Perry Cigarette Case

Now this one is something that I would actually consider buying. Never mind the fact that my earlier attempts of using a cigarette case to attract the wimmenfolk didn't work too well.
Me: Cigarette, madam?
Chick: Sure....
Me: (clumsily trys to snap open cig. case....all cigs fall out and onto the bar floor)
Me: Well, I don't think THIS one fell in anything wet.
Chick: Fuck off...
But, with Steve Perry as a wingman, I don't see how I could fail. Even IF I am a clumsy asshole:
Me: Cigarette?
Chick: Thanks.
Me: (whips out the Steve Perry cig holder)
Chick: WOW!....LET'S FUCK!
Me: Naw, babe....
Hmm...somehow that didn't go like how I imagined. Stupid Me. Anywho, check back later for the collectibles that feature Journey and Steve Perry. If you can handle it. As I was writing this post, somewhere between the faux "Journey is fucking the best" act and actually seeing what people sold, I'm disillusioned with society as a whole. Sure, Journey is a pretty good band...but come on people.....Steve Perry earrings? If any of you readers out there actually would wear that know my number....ladies. =)
I havent the words to describe the Steve Perry dogtag. So, I will make one up. Scrumtrelescent! That depiction was simply scrumtrelescent.
Also, before you blow your load to Journey, do not forget that Randy Jackson from American Idol was in Journey too, dog!
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:07 AM
I totally ruined your steve perry blog by reminding everyone that randy jackson was in Journey. Ha.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:59 AM