Asian supremacists...
Normally, I try not to get too serious and etc on this blog. It's s'posed to be teh funny. But, once in a well, my proverbial goat is gotten. Got a forward from a "friend" with these articles attached. I'm not sure if it was more so for my entertainment or more so a "watch yer sell-out piece of shit." I'm ashamed that this Azn Power thing actually is slowly catching on in big cities on the coasts. First off, I'm not saying that us Asian-American types should just roll over and be walking stereotypes. But, then again, I stick with the mantra that if you can't laugh at yourself, then you can't laugh at anything. In my mind, me doing something stereotypical such as speaking in a bad Chinese accent is really no different than some white guy putting on a thick southern accent or perhaps one of y'all I-talian types giving it a big "mama-mia...that's a spicy meat-a-ball!" Lighten up, folks. Anywho, a little background info on the source of the articles. They are from "", which is an Asian newspaper billed as the "voice of Asian-Americans" printed out west (big surprise). The author, Kenneth Eng, is an early 20's writer from...surprise...New York University. All I can say is that if saying y'all, loving some 'Bama football and white wimmens...and laughing at Data and Ducky is wrong...then I don't wanna be right. Rant over.
Why I Hate Asians
Kenneth Eng, Jan 12, 2007
It seems like an odd title for an article written by an Asian Supremacist, but there are very good reasons why I hate many of my own kind.
The first thing I hate about Asians in America is how so many of them want to suck up to whites. I have had fistfights and verbal altercations with many who discriminated against me and my people. Sadly, however, the Asians who witness or hear about these battles often hate me for being "hypocritical," and tell me that "two wrongs don’t make a right." Do these sycophants think it’s "cool" to mindlessly side with whites and blacks? Is it not enough that we have to fight against discrimination? Now we have to fight amongst ourselves as well?
The second thing I hate about Asians is how little pride most of them have. This may be the result of societal brainwashing, but whatever the cause, it must stop. I am repulsed when I see Asian guys speak with British accents in an attempt to sound sophisticated. British people can’t be all that sophisticated if they don’t yet understand the concept of dental hygiene. I am also sickened when I hear Asian people imitate Negro slang in an endeavor to sound "ghetto." Am I supposed to be impressed that such a person emulates the attitude of a supposed slum resident? More importantly, whatever happened to being yourself?
The third thing I hate about Asians is how apathetic many of them are in terms of honor these days. If I saw an Asian being stereotyped in a movie theater, I would immediately stand up and shout incessantly at the screen so that none of the white audience members could enjoy the film. When I saw a white man yelling at an old Asian woman a few months ago, I walked up to him and hollered slurs right back in his Aryan face. But most other Asians, I am disappointed to say, would rather just chuckle at their own stereotypes on screen and ignore the problems of their brethren. At the risk of sounding corny, whatever happened to the days of the samurai? When honor meant more than life? Whatever happened to the age of Sun Tzu when we used to kick ass?
Don’t get me wrong. I love the Asian race, but every race has its inferiors.
Proof That Whites Inherently Hate Us
Kenneth Eng, Nov 24, 2006
White people hate us and will always hate us. Here is a simple list of evidence, going from the most obvious down to the least obvious:
1. How many American films feature Asian heroes who are not stereotyped?
2. If someone makes a negative comment about a black person, all of the whites get hopping mad. Make a negative comment about the Asian race and nobody cares.
3. Most Asians know that everywhere we go, white/black/Hispanic people hurl racist remarks at us. I have already received about 10 racist remarks in the past three months and I have only been out of my home a handful of times.
4. In 1982, Vincent Chin was killed by two white people, Michael Nitz and Ronald Ebens. Both murderers went free, as the judge claimed that they were not the type of people who deserved to be in prison.
5. Chai Vang righteously killed six white people after they approached him with guns first. Unlike the “men” who murdered Vincent Chin, brave Mr. Vang was sentenced to life.
6. Asian civil rights activities receive virtually no media attention. Yet Rosa Parks was pretty much honored as a hero just because she refused to give up her seat. This is curious because Vincent Chin died to defend his race. Why hasn’t he been given an award?It is quite naïve to think that all of this can be explained by claiming that whites are not “enlightened” or that whites lack awareness of our issues. It is even more immature to think that things will get better if only we continue to protest peacefully through lame marches and letters to the producers of (insert any American TV show here). Animals, through evolution, are intrinsically developed to detest organisms that are different; the obvious reason being that conformity to a certain level increases the chances of a species’ survival. Since humans are part of the animal kingdom, it should be no surprise that whites have evolved to hate Asians, who have a strikingly different appearance than them.
Furthermore, we do live in an age where “political correctness” and anti-racism are in vogue. Why then, are there virtually no Asian heroes in the media? This is solid proof that we are enemies in the eyes of the Aryans. If even in an epoch where equality is an important matter they still do not treat us as equals, then what hope is there that they will ever treat us equally?
More importantly, why should we care? We vastly outnumber them. When you have a disobedient child, you do not give him gifts to make him abide to your will. You show him the cane.
And here's the kicker...this is the one that's got San Francisco all in a tizzy.
Why I Hate Blacks
Kenneth Eng, Feb 23, 2007
Here is a list of reasons why we should discriminate against blacks, starting from the most obvious down to the least obvious:
• Blacks hate us. Every Asian who has ever come across them knows that they take almost every opportunity to hurl racist remarks at us.
In my experience, I would say about 90 percent of blacks I have met, regardless of age or environment, poke fun at the very sight of an Asian. Furthermore, their activity in the media proves their hatred: Rush Hour, Exit Wounds, Hot 97, etc.
• Contrary to media depictions, I would argue that blacks are weak-willed. They are the only race that has been enslaved for 300 years. It's unbelievable that it took them that long to fight back.
On the other hand, we slaughtered the Russians in the Japanese-Russo War.
• Blacks are easy to coerce. This is proven by the fact that so many of them, including Reverend Al Sharpton, tend to be Christians.
Yet, at the same time, they spend much of their time whining about how much they hate "the whites that oppressed them."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Christianity the religion that the whites forced upon them?
• Blacks don't get it. I know it's a blunt and crass comment, but it's true. When I was in high school, I recall a class debate in which one half of the class was chosen to defend black slavery and the other half was chosen to defend liberation.
Disturbingly, blacks on the prior side viciously defended slavery as well as Christianity. They say if you don't study history, you're condemned to repeat it.
In high school, I only remember one black student ever attending any of my honors and AP courses. And that student was caught cheating.
It is rather troubling that they are treated as heroes, but then again, whites will do anything to defend them.
Eng is a loser with no life. He needs a mental health eval and medication to control his rage. How is he different from the Grand Dragon of the KKK? I can't imagine living a life where I blow up at the slightest insult. What a miserable man. I am guessing one of the racial slurs he has heard was something akin to a white dude saying he liked rice and Eng happened to be walking by. An obvious attack. Get a grip.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:40 PM
NPR was squawking about this topic this morning. Seems like Eng is right in some respects - white people get mad when you diss black people.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:28 AM
Wow, take a deep breath dude. What Mr. Eng is doeng (ha, get it? doing- 'doeng') is simply voicing his opinions from what he believes is real. Some of it is. I work in an enviornment where I see both statements Mr. Eng referred to regarding blacks and asians come to life. It is unfortunate. As an African American female, I of course have my own opinions...I have seen the results of 'asians sucking up to whites' get the promotion, whether they did any hard work or not. And I have also seen whites stereotype all blacks as lazy, weak willed, stupid, ...upon first meeting. I mean the stereotype is already fulfilled before anyone gets to know us. But with all this negative knowledge that I have, I will not let it deter me from living a good life. I will continue appreicate life as valuable and everyone in it, I will forgive quickly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made me smile. Mr. Eng, Chill man, chill.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:17 PM
I dont know why people would be in a tizzy about this crap. I have had more intellectually sound rants about race from the toilet. Sounds like Mr. Eng has assimilated into a sense of pride and self delusion that makes him that that other races are inferior. This douche is certainly not the next Malcom X.
On a side note isnt it strange to hear pride refered to as a positive triat. I see it everyday on t-shirts or posters. Isn't pride one of the 7 deadly sins?
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:26 AM