Baby's First Step
Welcome all. For first time viewers and old acquaintances, I must warn, you will be inundated with random musings and stupid observations. And also the occasionally ribald image.
But, to keep in vein with the holidays, I celebrated Turkey Day by myself. Before y'all shed tears of sadness, don't cry for me, Argentina. I decided to make a feast of my childhood faves that I haven't had in a while. So, I filled up on a mighty meal of Chef Boyardee pasta (Sponge-Bob shaped) and some Hawaii Punch. While I traipsed through the local grocer, I noticed an enticing dish called Turducken. Say it out loud and you should get the ingredients. Yes, it was an amalgamation of our favorite foul friends, turkey, duck and chicken! Somehow, a wild avian orgy resulted with this meat. And, it tastes exactly as what one would think sweaty interspecies love would taste like....delicious! Sadly, after some research, I was disappointed that it was just chicken stuffed in duck all stuffed in a turkey. My dreams of eating some spawn of unholy reproduction was a lie. My last parting thought is that IF it were truly a mix of all three, which bird would have been the do-ee and who would be the do-er? I'm not sure how this menage-a-trois would work, but needless to say, somebody out there is thinking about it right now. Perv.
I would think that the turkey, being the larger of the three, cracked her whip and forced the chicken to succumb to the duck. And when the two were at there most vulnerable, the turkey whipped out the handcuffs, and the holiday fun began.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:31 AM
Suck it, Kang!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:01 AM
While the turkey is the larger of the three, we all know that the male duck is brutal and enjoys gang rape. If the duck were male, he probably convinced the turkey to help him gang rape the chicken.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:28 AM
No no no. Actually I saw this on cartoon network not long ago. Foghorn Leghorn had an unseemly affair with Daisy Duck, resulting in the Daisy's laying an unwanted egg a short time later. The adultorous couple abandoned the egg in a turkey colony, and the youngster was raised as one of the turkey's own. When the bird matured, he was a striking specimen, and quickly went on to tag every female turkey in the community, becoming the most prolific stud in turkey history and giving birth to to the turduken race. Sadly, he died of a cocaine overdose at speedy gonzalez's new year's eve party in 1979.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:46 AM
I am glad to see that the whole "Douche Bag" thing is working out for you Victor.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:35 AM
In my experience a gang rape, by either human or fowl requires at least four participants besides the rapee. This just sounds like a run of the mill threesome. However, the interspecies banging does bring a little spice to this dish. Now, had this been a gang rape, perhaps by a murder of crows, the resulting offspring would surely have been incredibly juicy, with a hint of sweet delicious shame.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:37 PM
Leave it to Lori to bring up the duck gang rape.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:44 PM