Most of y'all are already painfully aware of my feelings for Hilary Duff. While some cynics out there may claim it's unhealthy, my defense is always that I respect her for her mind and her music. Holding hands would be all I want. So some of y'all might have seen her new commercial with her horse-faced sister as they advertised the new Ice Breakers Ice Cubes. The ad featured Mr. Keith "Wooooah Nellie!" Jackson and WOAH....Joey Lawrence. First, I was saddened that Keith has to resort to this to get paid. Granted, his announcing at the Rose Bowl was akin to listening to Grandpa rambling about "Commies and the cereal famine." Well, not MY non-English speaking grampa. One of y'all white folks' stereotypical grandpas. Anyways, Hil's ad was espousing the notion that the new gum would elicit a "woah!" from said purchasing consumer. So, dutifully, I went and bought me a pack. Following a much-enthused celebratory fist-pump, I took an anxious chew. No "woah"s were elicited. Not even a "meh." As I chewed and waited, the creeping feeling of betrayal washed over me. To protect any younger readers, what I said rhymes was "Hat Buying Door Mucked Tee." Yet, as hope as all fading, reason dawned. It is around 2PM on a cold, Atlanta morning. Of course I can't feel the promised sensation! After being in room temperature, the second attempt was a brilliant success. Lesson of the story? I dunno, maybe something along the lines of "GET A LIFE!" No kidding.
ok.. well nobody made a comment. i thought about making fun of you for an array of things but nothing quite worked out. there is one thing, however, that I cannot resist pointing out. That picture is freaking HORRIBLE. She looks like Joan Rivers. Scratch that, I would rather look at Joan Rivers than look at that picture. To think your fallic skin is being so brutally abused looking at something like that.. wow. Or should I say "whoah"
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:50 AM
hate to agree with him, but yeah dude, "horse faced" is rather apt in describing your girl in that picture, forget her sister! Damn!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:13 PM