One Kang Too Many
Sweet hams o' Christmas, someone's a stolen my name! Not sure which diligent gumshoe snuffed out this impersonator, but congrats. I appreciate ya searching for my name online. Stalker. But, in a nutshell, a faithful reader has stumbled upon another blog written by an Asian named....Victor Kang! ( Just a little snippet for a compare and contrast:
"i am victor kang. i loveeee rabbits and rabbit food. i also love cigs. they are bad, but i still love them. my life is reallllll interesting. i sometimes lock myself in the library for days and just read cuz i'm a huge nerd. i also like to neglect my friends when i am being nerdy. i also like math, and real estate. nerdy, i know."
Well, I'm indifferent to rabbits, but I have eaten dog biscuits before (go Snausages). Cigs...well...'nuff said. I do like libraries, but I think the last time I was in one was to use it as a shortcut to get to a bar. I won't post his pics out of privacy, but I think he's got me beat on the squinty-eye factor. Further, his friends are decidedly more yellow than mine. Creepy connections? I DO work in real estate law, and his birthday appears to be 10-28. Mine? 9-27. Yeah, I'm freaked out, too. He may indeed be a version of me if I had been raised out west in Vegas and not in 'Bama. It's like Honky Vic vs. Hong Kong Vic. Rollin' in The Hay vs. Rollin' on my six-fo'? Ric Flair v. rickshaw? SoCarolina v. SoCal? Bacon v. (free-range and hugged daily)Turkey Bacon? Alright, it's creeping me out man. Maybe the stress is getting to me.
As for my scary dreams about exam un-preparedness, keep your pant/ies on! Anecdotes about pre-exam jitters are for a later entry.
One more Kang too many:
AND as a special bonus:
pathetic poetry written by another Victor Kang:
Name: Victor Kang
Age: 9
Cobham Intermediate
Room: Year 7
My brother Young
I'm in my garden
Thinning the thyme.
Up comes Young,
My brother,
Annoying me.
Come play,
Play with me.
I leave the thyme
And we play,
Rolling on the grass,
Fighting and yelling.
Later we go in for tea
And I can still smell the thyme.
Victor Kang
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:17 PM
To all you punk ass bitches, mark ass tricks, trick ass marks, and scip scap scallywags.. Happy Valentines Day... Bitches.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:21 PM