Will you be mine?
Happy Valentine's Day all!
Just a short and sweet post (like me!) Y'all remember V-day parties? At our school, we HAD to give one to every student so nobody felt unliked - which was lucky for me =) We should have had Valentine Party's at law school. That would have been some hilarity. A free beer to those who get that card reference.
I got a valentine from Mary Stewart one year. It had Nemo on it.
Additionally, dont let these fools sike you out Victor. When you start dreaming of what your going to do when the Bar is over, that's when you will be ready.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:18 PM
lisa gave one to ralph b/c she felt sorry for him and hilarity ensued. there, done, give me my beer, next easy question. valenties tidings to all. tim, i hope you found mary stewart's "nemo". im not sure what that means, but given that you know the 'ins and outs' of stewballz, im sure you do. jason britt, if you read this, turn your damn phone on, ive tried calling you and its always straight to voice mail. hope you haven't thrown any furnature off balconies recently.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:55 AM
who the hell is tripoli? Who are you, sir? I demand to know your identity post haste.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:10 PM
its eric. i tell you not because of your worthless "demand", but rather to glorify myself.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:28 PM
its funny that an anonymous poster demands to know the identity of another....isn't that ironic?..don't you think?
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:38 PM
what the hell is the significance of the name "tripoli"? Bask in your glory. Really. Bask.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:12 PM
I'll answer for Eric. It's actually fairly creative/douche-baggish. If I recall, it stands for Eric E. (Harrison), Esquire. Triple E. Genius. I also second the notion that anonymous people asking for identifies is freaking hi-larioius. Quoting Alanis Morisette though, that makes me a sad panda.
Posted by
Victor |
6:28 PM
Sorry about the phone y'all.I have been waging war against Cingular (filed an arbitration claim against them seeking damages for consumer fraud, breach of contract and emotional distress). They just offered to settle. I will be certain to forward my new cell numbers to everyone this weekend.
Victor, I agree with Timmer regarding the bar. The only bar you should be overly concerned with is the one that you will patronize after it is over. Eric, suffice it to say that my furniture has not been thrown off any balconies as of late.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:40 AM
Well Jason, you are right to be waging war against Cingular. After all, you buy and sell people like them every day. Hope outside of that you are doing well, and you get a hefty settlement paid in miller high life cans. Additionally, Victor, I agree with the fact that you must, as we so eloquently heard New Years Eve "Do the Damn Thing!" on the bar, and then you can bathe in 100 pipers and inject yourself with moonshine to your heart's content.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:42 AM