Happy Easter!
Hope everyone has a good Easter and doesn't fill up on too much of the sweet candies or have any egg-hunt related injuries. I'm sorry, but Cadbury eggs are just plain nasty. The words "candied" and "yolk" should never be in the same sentence. Same with peeps. Let's add marshmellows and food coloring! Genius! I don't know why, but of all holidays, I have to say that Easter provides the most disgusting of candies and treats.
I cannot stand idly by while you badmouth these delicious candies. The Cadbury Egg is a most delicious and magical treat which is bestowed upon the children of Earth each Spring by a mutant chicken/bunny. The Peep is a most awe inspiring feast for the senses, with its creative combonation of marshmallow and pure granulated sugar, not to mention the festive colors and shapes. I suppose you would have everyone gather with their families and exchange tiny bottles of vodka, or dried fish parts formed in the shape of Chairman Mao's head. Screw you, COMMIE!
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:50 AM